Which country was the first to appear in the world?


Which country was the first to appear in the world?

It is not known exactly

The first proto-state formations arose at the turn of the 4th and 3rd millennia BC. (about 6 thousand years ago) in the Middle East and in the Nile Valley – collectively, this region, which has become the cradle of civilization in general and agriculture in particular, is called the Fertile Crescent, although researchers define its approximate boundaries in different ways.

Some of the oldest examples of writing were found in Mesopotamia (the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers), and the Sumerian city-states that existed in this territory are considered the oldest in the world. This list includes Uruk, Ur, Kish, Shuruppak and a number of others.

Around the 24th century B.C. e. in Mesopotamia, the Akkadian kingdom arose.

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