Between va among farqi qanday?

1️⃣ Umumiy qoidaga ko’ra between alohida ajratilgan ikkita shaxs, narsa yoki ikkita guruh (inson, narsalar) uchun ‘o’rtasida, orasida’ degan m’anoda ishlatiladi.
🔸 She was standing between Alice and Mary.
🔸 There is a long valley between high mountains.

2️⃣ between masofa yoki muddat uchun ham ishlatilishi mumkin.
🔸 We need two metres between the windows.
🔸 I’ll be at the office between nine and eleven.
🔸 They lived in New York between 1998 and 2004.

3️⃣ between so’zi each so’zi bilan ishlatilishi ko’p uchraydi.
🔸There seems to be less and less time between each birthday.

4️⃣ between va among so’zlarining ikkitadan ko’p shaxs yoki predmet uchun ishlatilishiga to’xtaladigan bo’lsak, between bir nechta alohida-alohida olingan shaxslar yoki predmetlar o’rtasida, orasida degan ma’noda ishlatilishi mumkin. Among esa alohida olinmagan shaxslar yoki predmetlar orasida degan ma’noda, ular guruh sifatida ko’rilganda ishlatiladi.
⚖️ Qiyoslang:
🔸Our house is between the woods, the river and the village.
🔸His house is hidden among the trees.
🔸I saw something between the wheels of the car.
🔸Your letter is somewhere among all these papers.

⚠️ Shuningdek, sanalmaydigan birlikdagi ot oldidan orasida degan ma’noda ham among ishlatiladi.
🔸They found an envelope full of money among all the rubbish.

5️⃣ Bo’lish (dividing), baham ko’rish (sharing) ma’nosidagi fe’llar bilan between va among so’zlari bir xil ma’noda ishlatiladi.
🔸He divided all his money between/among his children and grandchildren.
🔸We shared the work between/among the five of us.

⚠️ choose, differentiate, distinguish fe’llari odatda between bilan ishlatiladi.
🔸 I didn’t want to have to choose between the singers.

6️⃣ difference, connection, distinction, link, relationship so’zlaridan keyin odatda between so’zi ishlatiladi.
🔸There are enormous differences between languages.
🔸What’s the difference between ‘between’ and ‘among’?
🔸 Is there a connection between his arrival and her disappearance?
🔸There’s a strong link between clean drinking water and reduced infant mortality.

7️⃣ among so’zi ‘one of – biri’, ‘some of – ba’zi’ or ‘included in – ichida’ degan ma’nolarni berishi mumkin.
🔸 Among the first to arrive was the ambassador. (Birinchi bo’lib kelganlardan biri)
🔸 He has a number of criminals among his friends. (do’stlari ichida)

8️⃣ among others va among other things birikmalari ‘shu bilan birga, shuningdek’ (as well as) degan ma’nolarda ishlatiladi.
🔸 Her parents, among others, were worried about her travelling alone.
🔸 Among other things, I still have to pack.

⚠️ among so’zining hozirda keng qo’llanilmaydigan shakli amongst hisoblanadi.
🔸The results show that both girls are amongst the top 10% of students in the whole school.

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Fikr bildirish

;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!:

Matn nusxasini olish taqiqlanadi! @sadikovuz