Who was born on January 4? Thursday, January 4, the 4th day of the year is 362 days to the end of the year HISTORY OF THE DAY
Which region is famous for which dish? Uzbekistan Samarkand bread Kashkadarya with tandoori meat, Surkhandarya shepherd’s pie, Jizzakh somsa, river fish, Bukhara Gijduvan shish kebab, Khorezm egg barak,
Is there any harm to the nasvoy? Nosvoy’s proven damage Nosvoy, which is popular among middle-aged and elderly people in Uzbekistan, is dangerous for health. As a result
What are the benefits of cycling? 1. The quality of sleep improves. 2. Digestive activity is normalized. 3. Stamina increases. 4. A healthy way to lose weight. 5.
➖🇺🇸 USA The worst punishment is a ban on attending classes. This is a tragedy for a schoolchild in America. Because those who received bad grades are
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15 benefits of reading a book! 📌 Reading calms the nerves. 📌 Reading helps to get rid of insomnia. 📌 Reading softens the heart. 📌 Reading improves brain
Do you know the meanings of our cars? Daewoo – Infinite Universe (Korean); Nexia – Bright (Spanish); Damas – Restrainer (Greek); Tico – Small (Spanish); Cielo – Sky
❗️Cold tea collects stones in the kidney 🔶 Loyola University Medical Center in Chicago found that cold tea is dangerous for human health. According to researchers, the
▪️The doctor of hair diseases – Trichologist ▪️ Skin diseases – Dermatologist ▪️ Heart doctor – Cardiologist ▪️ Eye doctor – Ophthalmologist ▪️ Liver doctor – Hepatologist ▪️