5 Most Cracked Passwords

5 Most Cracked Passwords 1) 123456 – (23.2 million users) 2) 123456789 – (7.7 million users) 3) Qwerty – (3.8 million users) 4) Password – (3.6 million users)

Is cold tea good for you?

  ❗️Cold tea collects stones in the kidney 🔶 Loyola University Medical Center in Chicago found that cold tea is dangerous for human health. According to researchers, the

Which doctor treats what?

▪️The doctor of hair diseases – Trichologist ▪️ Skin diseases – Dermatologist ▪️ Heart doctor – Cardiologist ▪️ Eye doctor – Ophthalmologist ▪️ Liver doctor – Hepatologist ▪️

Matn nusxasini olish taqiqlanadi! @sadikovnasim