Ingliz tilida gap tartibining o’zgarishi

Ingliz tilida gap tartibining o’zgarishi (inversiya)

✅ Inversiya – bu odatiy gap tuzilishining o’zgarishi bo’lib, ingliz tilida odatda ega bilan kesim o’rni almashadi. Demak, quyidagi holatlarda inversiya sodir bo’ladi:

✳️ Rasmiy va badiiy uslubda quyidagi holatlarda gap boshida inkor ma’nodagi so’zlar (ravishlar) kelganda ega va kesim o’rni almashadi.
1️⃣ gap boshida never (before), rarely, seldom so’zlari kelganda:
🔸 Seldom do we have goods returned to us because they are faulty.

2️⃣ juft bo’lib keladigan bog’lovchilar (barely / hardly / scarcely … when / before; no sooner … than) so’zlari qo’llanilganda:
🔸 Hardly had everybody taken their seats when Dr Lee began her lecture.
🔸 No sooner had they left the station than the train stopped.

3️⃣ gap boshida only + paytni bildiruvchi yoki boshqa so’z kelganda, masalan only after, only later, only if, only once, only then, only when:
🔸 She bought a newspaper and some milk at the shop on the corner. Only later did she realise that she’d been given the wrong change.
🔸 Only when she apologises will I speak to her again.

4️⃣ gap boshida only + ko’makchi yoki ko’makchili birikma kelganda, masalan only by …, only in …, only with …:
🔸Only by chance had Carl discovered where the birds were nesting.
🔸Maria had to work in the evenings. Only in this way was she able to complete the report.

5️⃣ gap boshida at no time, in no way, on no account, under / in no circumstances birikmalari kelganda:
🔸 At no time did they actually break the rules of the game.
🔸 Under no circumstances are passengers permitted to open the doors themselves.

6️⃣ gap boshida not bilan kelgan birikmalar, masalan not only, not until, not since, not for one moment va not + birlikdagi ot birikmalari ishlatilganda:
🔸 Not until August did the government order an inquiry into the accident.
🔸 Not a word had she written since the exam had started.

7️⃣ gap boshida little so’zi salbiy (yo’q, deyarli yo’q) degan ma’noda ishlatilganda:
🔸 Little do they know how lucky they are to live in such a wonderful house. (= they don’t know’ or they don’t know sufficiently’)

8️⃣ only after / if / when va not until qatnashgan gapdan keyin keladigan gapda ega va kesim o’rni almashishi mumkin:
🔸 Only when the famine gets worse will world governments begin to act.
🔸 Not until the train pulled into the station did Miguel find that his coat had gone.

9️⃣ gap boshida kelgan so + sifat birikmasida sifatga urg’u berish uchun ishlatilganda:
🔸 So successful was her business, that Lana was able to retire at the age of 50. (Uning biznesi shunchalik omadli ediki, Lana 50 yoshida pensiyaga chiqa oldi )
🔸 So dangerous did weather conditions become, that all mountain roads were closed. (Ob-havo sharoitlari shunchalik xavfli ediki, barcha tog’ yo’llari yopildi)

🔟 Huddi shunday holat gap boshida such + be birikmasi kelganda ham uchraydi, bunda biz biror narsaning darajasi, miqyosiga urg’u beramiz:
🔸 Such is the popularity of the play that the theatre is likely to be full every night.



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Matn nusxasini olish taqiqlanadi! @sadikovnasim