•Kelajakda aniq bir vaqtdan oldin tugallanadigan ish-harakatlarida
They will have bought a house by the end of this year.
Shu yilning tugashiga qadar, ular uy sotib olishadi. ( avval sotib olishadi keyin yil tugaydi)
I will have written my book by 2025.
2025 yilgacha men kitobimni yozib bo’laman.
by the time, untill/till so’zlari vaqt ko`rsatuvchi so’zlar bo’lganligi uchun ular bilan present simple fe’lini ishlatamiz:
By the time you arrive, I will have finished cooking.
I will have finished cooking by the time you arrive.
Ingliz tilida o’tgan zamondagi kelasi tugallangan davomiy zamon
• Odatda untill/till so’zlari Future Perfect da inkor gaplar uchun ishlatiladi:
Sarah won’t have finished the book until this evening.
Sara kitobni kechgacha tugatib bo’lmaydi.
(+) Subject+will have+verb3
(?) Will+subject+have+verb3?
Subject+will not have+verb3
I will have played tennis by 2 o’clock.
Will you have played tennis by 2 o’clock?
I won’t have played tennis by 2 o.clock
Ingliz tilida kelasi davomiy zamon
I will have worked
You will have worked
He will have worked
She will have worked
It will have worked
We will have worked
You will have worked
They will have worked
I will not have worked
You will not have worked
He will not have worked
She will not have worked
It will not have worked
We will not have worked
You will not have worked
They will not have worked
Will I have worked?
Will you have worked?
Will he have worked?
Will she have worked?
Will it have worked?
Will we have worked?
Will you have worked?
Will they have worked?
Future Perfect ning kalit so’zlari:
By the time-vaqtgacha
Next- kelasi
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