Ingliz tilida o’tgan zamondagi kelasi tugallangan zamon

O’tgan zamonda kelasi zamonda tugallangan bo’lishi mumkin bo’lgan ish-harakati haqida gapirilganda ishlatiladi.

Conditionals mavzusi

He told me he would have returned from Moscow by November 10th.

U menga 10chi noyabrgacha Moskvadan qaytib kelgan bo’lishini aytgan edi.

«Very» so’zini kamroq ishlatishni o’rganing!

Conditional III turidagi gaplarda asosiy gap bo’lib kelganda.

If I had learned English, I would have entered the University.

Agar ingliz tilini o’rganganimda, universitetga o’qishga kirgan bo’lar edim.



(+) S+would have+V3
(?) Would+S+have+V3
(-) S+wouldn’t have+V3
I would have played tennis.
Would you have played tennis?
I wouldn’t have played tennis.
I would have come
You would have come
He would have come
She would have come
It would have come
We would have come
You would have come
They would have come
I wouldn’t have come
You wouldn’t have come
He wouldn’t have come
She wouldn’t have come
It wouldn’t have come
We wouldn’t have come
You wouldn’t have come
They wouldn’t have come
Would I have come?
Would you have come?
Would he have come?
Would she have come?
Would it have come?
Would we have come?
Would you have come?
Would they have come?

1)He promised he would have sent me a letter by next Monday.

2)She said she would have become a singer by 2020.

3)Mary told me she would have read 10 books in English by the end of December.



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Fikr bildirish

Matn nusxasini olish taqiqlanadi! @sadikovuz