Who was born on May 17 and what happened on that day? 👉 HOLIDAYS: 🇺🇳 UN – World Telecommunication and Information Society Day. 🌏 International
Забacтовка чернокожих американцев. CША, 28 мapта 1968 года. “Я человек”. Amerika qora tanlilarning norozilik chiqishi. AQSh, 1968 yil 28 mart. “Men insonman”.
Marii Montessori-19 notes about the child 1. Children learn from those around them. 2. If a child is often criticized, he will learn to scold
The luckiest man in history According to The Daily Telegraph Magazine, the most lucky person is the Croatian Frane Selac. In 1962, it was inside
Who was born on March 24 and what happened on that day? 👉 HOLIDAYS: 🌏 International Day of Whistleblowers. 🇺🇳 World Tuberculosis Day. 🇺🇳 Day
Facts about the dollar 💲New Orleans businessman Oliver Pollock invented the dollar sign on April 1, 1778. 💰 The dollar has been used as a