Who was born on June 21 and what happened on that day? 👉 HOLIDAYS: 🇺🇳 International Day of Yoga. 🇺🇳 Day of summer solstice. 🌏
Тема: «Буквы о – ё после шипящих в корне» Школьного праздника посвящённого месячнику русского языка и литературы bukvy_o_-_yo_posle_shipyashchih_v_korne.docx
Who was born on May 22 and what happened on that day? 👉 HOLIDAYS: 🇺🇳 UN – International Biodiversity Day. 🌏 Sherlock Holmes Day. 🌏
In some Latin American countries, duels have been abolished relatively recently. For example, in Uruguay it was possible to call an offender until 1992. But
Why doesn’t honey spoil? Honey can be stored for thousands of years in closed pots – it has even been found in ancient Egyptian tombs.
Who was born on January 5? Friday, January 5, the 5th day of the year is 361 days to the end of the year HISTORY