Dried apricots – a healing fruit for the bones of the spine

Dried apricots – a healing fruit for the bones of the spine

✅ If you eat 1 piece of figs, 5 pieces of dried apricots, 1 piece of ordinary apricot fruit every evening before going to bed, you will have an effective effect on the bones of the spine in the lumbar region, even alleviate the herniated disc disease and the bones of the spine will become stronger.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!:

Matn nusxasini olish taqiqlanadi! @sadikovuz