Why do they write WC on the toilet all the time?

Why do they write WC on the toilet all the time?

Why do they write WC on the toilet all the time?

The WC sign on the toilets seems so familiar to us that we don’t even think about why exactly such an abbreviation is hanging on these doors. Although, it would seem, the letters T (toilet — toilet) and B (bathroom — bathroom) is much more logical. So, where did this reduction come from?

Some foreigners joke that WC stands for Welcome. In fact, the abbreviation comes from the English water closet. This designation was originally applied to toilet rooms with a flush toilet. The word closet in this case means “a small enclosed space”.

Interestingly, some euphemisms then become stable Russian words. So, the Russian word “toilet” comes from the French phrase Je dois sortir (I need to get out). It was with such a phrase that noble people of noble origin retired to the toilet.

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