Who were born on February 7? – 1478-Thomas More (- 1535) was an English humanist writer, philosopher and political figure. – 1693-Anna Ioannovna (1740) – Russian emperor from
What happened on February 7? 👉 HOLIDAYS: 🌙 “Me’roj night”in the Islamic world. 🌏 World Reading Aloud Day. 🌏 Global School Games Day. 🌏 Birthday of fire extinguisher
Who were born on February 6? – 1536-Toyotomi Hideyosi (- 1598) was a Japanese military and political figure who united Japan. – 1665-Anne Stewart (1714) was Queen of
What happened on February 6? 👉 HOLIDAYS: 🌏 World Day without phones. 🌏 Safe Internet Day. 🌏 International Frozen yogurt Day. 🌏 Bob Marley Day. 🔹 NATIONAL HOLIDAYS:
Who were born on February 5? – 1804-Johan Ludwig Runeberg (1877) was a Finnish poet, author of the Finnish hymn. – 1812-Georges Dantes is a French officer and
What events happened on February 5? 👉 HOLIDAYS: 🌏 World Nutella Day. 🌏 World Read Aloud Day. 🌏 Global School Games Day. 🔹 NATIONAL HOLIDAYS: 🇺🇸 USA –
Who was born on February 4? 👉 BIRTHS: – 1494 – François Rabelais (1553) – French writer, one of the most famous satirists. – 1682 – Johann Friedrich
What events happened on February 4? 🇺🇳 World Cancer Day. 🇺🇳 International Human Fraternity Day. 🔹 NATIONAL HOLIDAYS: 🇵🇭 Philippines – Philippine-American War Remembrance Day. 🇺🇸 USA –
Who was born on February 3? – 1702 – Michael Adelbühlner (1779) – German mathematician, physicist and astronomer. – 1735 – Count Ignacy Krasitsky (1801) – Polish poet,
What events happened on February 3? 🌏 Ice Cream for Breakfast Day. 🌏 World Priests’ Day. 🔹 NATIONAL HOLIDAYS: 🇺🇸 USA – National Missing Persons Day. 🇹🇭 Thailand
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