The Great Wall of China is the largest architectural monument that has ever been erected by human hands. Its total length (including branches) is almost
Who was born on February 22 and what day is it? 👉 HOLIDAYS: 🌏 World Thinking Day. 🌏 World Encephalitis Day. 🇪🇺 European Union –
Открытия Недели русского языка и литературы в школе Цели:– развивать творческие способности детей;– прививать интерес к изучению русского языка и литературы.Звучат фанфары. На экране фото
Who was born on January 12? On Friday, January 12, the 12th day of the year, there are 354 days left in the year HISTORY
Who was born on January 29 and what day is it? 👉 HOLIDAYS: 🇺🇳 Day of mobilization against the threat of international nuclear war. 👉
Сценарий праздничного шоу, посвящённого – 8 Марта В оформлении сцены к празднику 8 Марта можно использовать красочные плакаты и разноцветные воздушные шары, с помощью которых